Weekly Weigh-In: Week 28

Week 28 Current Weight: 299

Pounds Lost This Week: 2

Total Weight Lost: 91 pounds

Things Discovered: Mrs. Thinster’s Cookie Thins – Pumpkin Spice

And now… another thing that I may have to add to my “don’t keep in the house” list, even though they are oh so yummy!!

At 140 calories per 5 cookie serving (19 carbs, 1 fiber, 1 protein), these fit comfortably into most diet menus, however, they taste utterly amazing, which makes it really hard to stop eating them. Again, if you plan accordingly, it won’t break the diet bank to have more than one serving, but still, probably not a good idea to do so on a regular basis.

Taste-wise, they have sort of a ginger snap feel and flavor, but I can also get that pumpkin hints as well. And even though, they distinctly avoided using the words “pumpkin spice” on the Cookie Butter shake description, I feel like this is totally that flavor – in cookie form (which is probably why I’m having such a hard time resisting them).  But it’s fall… so ’tis the flavor of the season. Oddly, I’ve never been all that into it, but apparently it was just a matter of finding the right food combo. Definitely not complaining. YUM!!! XD

Weekly Weigh-In: Week 27

Week 27 Current Weight: 301

Pounds Lost This Week: 3

Total Weight Lost: 89 pounds

My scale is such (or really, my bathroom floor is such) that if it’s positioned improperly, the weight shown is off by about 2 pounds. So generally, I weigh myself 2-3 times (moving the scale slightly to, hopefully, get it back to a level spot) and take whatever the highest weight is, if the weights given aren’t all the same. Why this is relevant… this morning, for a brief shiny moment, I saw my weight under 300 pounds for the first time in YEARS!!! And though, in truth, I still have at least another week to go (assuming that I stay on track this coming week), it was still an awesome feeling to know that I’m so close to one of my mini-goals. Go me!!

Also, those cookie butter shakes really are to die for. I had 2 of them this week – the second one I even worked into my daily calories so it wouldn’t totally wreck everything. Did you know they have 12g of protein in them? They totally do!! XD (boatload of calories, but still… OMG YUM!!)

Cheat Days: Arby’s Cookie Butter Shake

Because there are just some days that you have to give in and go for what you are craving. And holy cow… this is pretty freaking yummy!!! Soooo totally worth the extra work I’ll have to do to compensate for going over calories today. And to be fair, I’ve been resisting this beautiful concoction for several weeks, so I think I did good to hold out as long as I did.

According to the Arby’s website it’s: Indulgently sweet with cinnamon spice. Topped with whipped cream and cookie pieces. I got the hint of cinnamon, but the rest of the flavors are hard to describe – if only because I’m too busy sucking it down to form a coherent thought. Totally delicious!!

I would add it to a “Things Discovered” post, but it’s very much not a diet food. Either way though, if you can squeeze the calories in (or are ready for a well deserved cheat day), it’s definitely worth getting one before they’re gone.

Weekly Weigh-In: Week 26

Week 26 Current Weight: 304

Pounds Lost This Week: 5

Total Weight Lost: 86 pounds

Best diet tool ever – get a retainer.

I thought having braces was bad, but no, this is worse… much, much worse. With braces, I just had to be careful not to eat certain things that could potentially damage them, with a retainer, I can’t eat at all. I mean, I can, but it involves taking them out (not an easy thing to do), rinsing them, putting them in their case – eating – then brushing my teeth and rinsing/cleaning the retainers again, before putting them back in. Every. Single. Time. I. Eat (anything, even the smallest bite). It’s a HUGE pain in the ass and pretty much eliminates all forms of grazing or snacking (the things that typically get me through the day), because it’s just not worth the effort. But hey… I lost 5 pounds this week!!!

Things Discovered: Simple Mills (revisited)

So… I found out the other day that Simple Mills has prepackaged cookies as well. Now typically, I’m not a fan of store-bought cookies. I like my cookies firm and crunchy and it’s hard to find that outside of ones that you bake yourself, plus, prepackaged taste is usually kind of meh. But aahhh… the gods are smiling, because these cookies are crunchy and pretty much taste exactly the same as the ones I made from the mix version. I am so impressed.

The downside, is that they appear to be fairly expensive (Amazon has them listed for like $6+ per box), though I honestly don’t remember it being that much at the store where I found them. However, I fully admit I didn’t pay much attention, so I’ll have to check again next time I’m in.

The other great thing is that a serving size is 3 cookies and only 110 calories. And though they aren’t all that big, the Double Chocolate ones that I had tasted so good, that even just eating one or two was enough to satisfy a craving. In a former life I probably would have eaten an entire box (or at least more than one serving), but I was good and didn’t. But really, they are that yummy!!